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Energy How you work
Energy How you work
Interpersonal How you interact
Interpersonal How you interact
Intelligence How you think
Intelligence How you think
Custom questions
Happy with where you are
Quite ambitious Extremely ambitious
Leisurely, relaxed
Passionate about key interests Driven, obsessive
Peaceful, gentle
Quite competitive, adventure-seeking Aggressive
Pessimistic, sees the negatives
Level-headed, can be detached Optimistic, sees only positives
Outgoing Highly extrovert
Risk averse
Measured risk taker Enjoys high stakes
Steady pace
Short bursts of high energy Persistent, tenacious, never stops
Conscientious Workaholic
A few close friends Sociable Knows everyone
Consensual Engaging, persuasive Forceful, dominant
Focused on self Caring, but self first Selfless
Mild mannered Self assured Extremely confident, high self-esteem
Says anything to get things done Honest, some white lies Highly principled, can be too honest
Serious, professional Fun, entertaining Daring, provocative, edgy
Thick skinned Forgiving Retaliatory
Thrives away from stress Copes with stress, highly resilient Needs stress to thrive
Analytical, highly structured Highly intuitive Free form
Comfortable with what they know Progressively learning Hungry for Information
Detail oriented Strategic thinker Visionary, can have short attention span
Happy for others to create ideas Creative in ideas Highly experimental
Highly inquisitive Curious, open to new ideas Prefers "tried and tested" approach
Steady, methodical Incisive, quick Knows it all
Thrives in structured environments Copes with structure and ambiguity Thrives in ambiguous environments
These measures (based on the generally accepted "OCEAN" psychological criteria) are our standard ones that we will use to compare team members with each other in the TeamDNA map and analytics tools.
If you want to add your own bespoke measures of character or company values etc, you can do so as a premium user once you have got to your homepage.