“There is quite some evidence that who we are deep down drives the way we think and the way we behave in society…”

May 2, 2024

In our second podcast edition, our editor, Ab Banerjee, sits down with Dr Alessandro Nai, Associate Professor of Political Communication at the University of Amsterdam, to discuss his research on personality, leadership, and behavioural traits in a particularly pertinent context: politics.

The discussion focuses on how the personality traits, including the ‘dark triad’, can be assessed in the world’s leading political figures.

It considers what impact these traits can have on voter behaviour and electoral fortune, exploring the connection between the behaviours and perspectives of voters themselves, and those that they are most likely to elect.

It also discusses the fuelling factors behind the rise of populism in several parts of the world.

The podcast also touches on future research, specifically on the potential connection between personality traits and performance once a politician enters office.

“The most important [reason that we study personality] is that there is quite some evidence that who we are deep down drives the way we think and the way we behave in society… And the reason why this is actually not a stupid thing to do is because trying to assess who the leaders are should allow us to project the way they will behave when it matters.”

Listen to the podcast here:

SpotifyThe Loop – Personality Traits in World Leaders

Apple MusicThe Loop – Personality Traits in World Leaders

For more of Dr Nai’s research, order his new book online:

Dark Politics: The Personality of Politicians and the Future of Democracy (Oxford University Press)

Listeners to the podcast can get 30% of the cover price with discount code: ASFLYQ6