“I’ve been saying for probably two years now, that the list of things that boards are worried about is getting longer”.
Author: theloopeditor theloopeditor
“Personality is key”: John Zogby on Trump, Harris and the 2024 Election
“There’s an ugly mood in the United States today”, Zogby begins, as we open our conversation. “It’s not new – it’s been building.”
What does being ‘future-ready’ mean?
“Building a high-perfoming team requires an effective understanding of your employees and their behavioral traits – how they think, how they interact with others, and what key skills are driving their success in your organization.” Benchmark the traits of top performers in each function, unique to your organization. In our last edition, we heard from Sven Houthuys and Tom Welchman, both… Continue reading What does being ‘future-ready’ mean?
What does being ‘future-ready’ mean?
“In the mid-1930s, the average S&P 500 company could expect to exist for 90 years. Today, that average is just 18.” Consideration of how organizations can future-ready themselves has become increasingly prominent in recent years. While developing a capacity to embrace and maximise technological innovation often dominates these conversations – with particular consideration of how to effectively employ the… Continue reading What does being ‘future-ready’ mean?
Organizational evolution and getting empowerment right
Sven Houthuys and Tom Welchman, Parters at McKinsey & Co, write on how properly guided and supported empowerment offers to be the great management challenge of our times. The 4th industrial revolution—the promise of growth and prosperity from a machine intelligence-enabled era of change—has been at the forefront of conversations about production for several years.… Continue reading Organizational evolution and getting empowerment right
“Adopted well, new technology can drive improved productivity.”
This month, Dr Abby Gilbert, Co-Director at the Institute for the Future of Work, speaks to The Loop about how organizations can ready themselves for technological innovations in the workplace, and considers how these organizations can avoid the negative repercussions that can accompany change if not prepared for. First, could you tell us about the… Continue reading “Adopted well, new technology can drive improved productivity.”
“There’s a whole combination of skills that you need as a lawyer, and it’s not just legal technical skills anymore, if it ever was.”
In our latest podcast episode, our editor, Ab Banerjee, sits down with Yvette Croucher, Managing Director of Talent Management (Europe and Asia) at Paul Hastings, the global law firm. The discussion approaches a variety of topics. It touches first on the structure and culture of law firms, providing an insider’s view on how they are… Continue reading “There’s a whole combination of skills that you need as a lawyer, and it’s not just legal technical skills anymore, if it ever was.”
“There is quite some evidence that who we are deep down drives the way we think and the way we behave in society…”
In our second podcast edition, our editor, Ab Banerjee, sits down with Dr Alessandro Nai, Associate Professor of Political Communication at the University of Amsterdam, to discuss his research on personality, leadership, and behavioural traits in a particularly pertinent context: politics. The discussion focuses on how the personality traits, including the ‘dark triad’, can be… Continue reading “There is quite some evidence that who we are deep down drives the way we think and the way we behave in society…”
“I always say that there are two aspects of self-awareness.”
In the first podcast edition of The Loop, our editor, Ab Banerjee, sits down with Narayan Pant, Professor of Strategy and Leadership Development at INSEAD, to discuss and share thoughts on leadership, self-awareness and workplace feedback. “I always say that there are two aspects of self-awareness. The first part is understanding how you are coming across… Continue reading “I always say that there are two aspects of self-awareness.”
“Cognitive diversity is an essential driver behind organizational competitiveness and profitability”
The Loop’s editor, Ab Banerjee, outlines the initial findings of ViewsHub’s pioneering study into cognitive diversity within the world’s leading law firms and management consultancies. In previous editions, we’ve written about ViewsHub’s mission to empower every team in every organization to achieve high performance. This commitment is aimed at boosting productivity and profitability, elevating client service levels,… Continue reading “Cognitive diversity is an essential driver behind organizational competitiveness and profitability”