Employers are favouring the carrot over the stick

John Whelan, Director of the Corporate Research Forum and former UK HR Director at BAE Systems, discusses how forum members are operating their hybrid working policies. As we reflect on the experience of the pandemic, it’s an opportunity for business leaders to evaluate the approaches that they have taken. Clearly, remote and flexible working are here… Continue reading Employers are favouring the carrot over the stick

The global pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work and it will not be reversed

This month, Rachael Brassey, Global Lead on People and Change at PA Consulting argues a return to full in-person working could be detrimental to companies. In your opinion, are hybrid work arrangements working? Hybrid working models can work – but only those which maximise personalisation, empathy and inclusion. Fully understanding the different segments and personas within… Continue reading The global pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work and it will not be reversed